Raspberry Crunch Yogurt Sundae
This recipe, contributed by Leisa Cockayne of Make Me Sugar Free, is recommended as the perfect start to a sugar-free day — or you can serve it as a dessert, as well. Breakfast can be a dangerous time for sugar intake, with simple things like an orange juice or a sugary cereal putting you over your recommended daily allowance. Instead of those “empty calories” — what better way to start your day than with a fresh and tasty breakfast with creamy and crunchy textures and rich and fruity flavors?
- 8 tablespoons plain non-fat Greek yogurt
- 20 Raspberries
- Sprinkle of Cinnamon
- 4 tablespoons Hazelnuts
- 4 tablespoons Walnuts
- 6 blueberries topping
- In a processer, blitz together the hazelnuts, walnuts and cinnamon.
- Add half the raspberries to half the yogurt and crush together.
- Take two cups and place 5 raspberries in the base of each cup, then layer with two tablespoons of Greek yogurt, then with two tablespoons of the blitzed nuts.
- Add another layer of the raspberry and yogurt crush, then a spoonful of Greek yogurt and finally top with a sprinkling of nuts and blueberries.
- Place in the freezer for 30 mins or until desired frozen consistency.

Leisa Cockayne – Make Me Sugar Free
Leisa Cockayne is the founder and developer of the Make Me Sugar Free in 21 Days Program. Her blog and website offers affordable, easy to make and tasty family sugar free meals as well as tips and advice on kicking the sugar habit. The benefits are tremendous, and include weight loss, increased energy, better skin, more restful sleep, enhanced well-being, decreased likelihood of diabetes, fewer mood swings, increased concentration, and more.