Nominate Your Favorite Spas

Best Spa Polls -- Nominate Your Favorites
Nominees are being accepted for these cities and regions, and voting will begin when nominees have been fully vetted. Click the links below to nominate your favorite hotel spas, day spas, spa salons, medical spas, aesthetic studios and more.
Nominations for Best Spa Awards are collected via online surveys and newsletter polls during our open polling periods (stated on each open polling form). Voting is then compiled by calculating reader submissions during open voting periods, followed by our vetting process, and finally, by in-person visits to the top scoring spas by our Spa Index Secret Spa Reviewers.
Once a spa has been nominated in the Best Of category, polls are sent to our subscriber email list, secret spa reviewers panel, resource and industry experts email list, and, posted on our website.
In order to avoid unnaturally inflated or “promoted” voting results, spas are never notified when secret spa reviewers have been assigned and will visit.
We prefer our voting results be based on industry reputation, organically collected reader votes, and secret spa reviewer impressions, rather than expert or aggressive marketing on the part of spa owners. That said, many spas owners become aware of our nominating and voting polls once they begin. While we do not encourage spas to aggressively market, we do not prevent them from requesting their clients and customers vote during an open poll, and they are not disqualified if they do so except under extreme circumstances (promising any form of incentive for voting, for instance).
Our polling and voting periods are fairly flexible depending on the region, area, and many variables (including weather). Ideally, our nominations for Best Spas are typically collected between January and July; our votes are collected thereafter (generally for 90 days), and our Secret Spa Reviews are generally conducted during this same period, and after polls and voting closes. Awards are posted throughout the year at the conclusion of the nomination, vetting, voting, and reviewing process for each city.
Secret Spa Reviewers do not reveal their association with, nor do they receive complimentary services or other incentives from any nominated spas in exchange for positive reviews. Spa Index Secret Spa Reviewers are fully reimbursed by for the cost of spa services after reviews are submitted and accepted.
The identity of Secret Spa Reviewers is kept anonymous for our vetting and reviews process, and during fact-checking. Reviewers are not permitted to reveal their identities to the spas or reveal a schedule, agenda, or pending review in any public forum or on social media.
Awards are based on a combination of votes received from our readers and panel experts, with additional and the most weight given to reviews by our Secret Spa Reviewers. Ties are broken by Secret Spa Reviewers, who visit each of the top nominated spas at least once, and often twice, during a polling and voting period.
Spas are given a badge for their own websites on request, but of course they are not required to display it. Framed Certificates are also offered for display in the spa, upon request.
Nominated Spas are never required to be members of or listed on Guide to Spas. In fact, nominations and winners are frequently a combination of reader favorite spas who are not members of our spa directory, and those which are.