Selectum Noa Resort & Spa – Cam Ranh
(+84) 258 3863 888
Lot X5B & TT3A, Zone 2, Northern Peninsula, Cam Hải Đông, Cam Lâm, Khánh Hòa 650000, Vietnam
Exploring the best of a Vietnam spa getaway at Selectum Noa Resort Cam Ranh. This resort offers all-inclusive experiences for guests. Choose your stay in a villa or guest room. Enjoy spa services, recreation activities, fitness centre, restaurants or just walking to the beach, enjoying a day of sand and sun. Selectum Noa Resort Cam Ranh also offers the fine art of entertainment with DJ-manned live concerts. The culinary team serves international and local cuisines prepared by passionate chefs, and the resort offers fun bars (at the pool, in the lobby and on the beach) serving casual fare and cocktails.… View