5 Ideas for Getting in Shape While Spending Time with Kids

If you are a parent — especially a mom — you know how valuable time is. Chances are good that you spend the biggest part of your day taking care of your kids and it seems as if there is no way to dedicate even thirty minutes to yourself. The majority of moms find it hard to set aside some time for physical activity, home spa treatments or spa visits, or something as simple as reading a book, but some super moms actually manage to do this.
Do you know what their secret is?
It is rather simple: they don’t try to free up time. Instead, they actively search for options allowing them to combine the useful with the pleasant. To put it into a context, they combine physical activity or body exercise while spending time with their kids.
Can’t think of any ideas that seem to conform to such a parameter? No need to worry. Because the mission of this wellness article is to give you some tried and true ways to combine your fitness activities with kids’ time.

Become the First Yoga Teacher for Your Kids
One of the greatest options is to teach your kids yoga and make it their habit to practice daily. Choose some basic yoga asanas and help your kids master them. Not only will this help your kids get healthier, but it will also give you a chance to spend some time getting in shape. It’s been scientifically proven that yoga is beneficial for human mental and physical health, so why not taking the most out of this knowledge? The good news is that yoga does not require any special equipment or clothes. A simple and comfortable outfit, plus a yoga or fitness mat, is all you’ll need.

If all you can spare is 15 minutes of time and the desire to spend some quality active time, consider tuning in your favorite dance songs and asking your kids to dance with you. Most kids won’t be able to resist your proposition and you, in turn, will get a chance to burn some calories while moving your body to the strains of this year’s hits.

Go for a Bicycle Trip
While biking is an activity a bit more demanding in terms of equipment and time than the rest of ideas on the list, a family bicycle trip is one of the greatest ways to combine time with your kids and physical activity. What’s more, going for a bicycle trip might feel like a real adventure for your children. Bonus if you can combine your trip with and accomplish real errands!

Another wonderful way to get in shape without the need of leaving your kids alone and buying a gym membership is doing some hula-hoop exercise at home and asking your children to compete with you. And if you don’t think that hula-hoop exercises are efficient enough, you may be surprised to learn that this activity helps you burn 400 calories per hour. First Lady Michelle Obama knows a thing or two about hooping to fitness, and hosted a Hooping Workout on the White House South Lawn as part of her Healthy Kids Fair. We also know of several weight loss retreats offering hooping classes for adults on retreat, so save a couple grand and have fun with this at home.
Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton

It’s well-documented that out there. So instead of underestimating its power, think of a new or interesting route, grab your kids by the hand, and take a long walk around your neighborhood. Bonus if you are near a beach or lake shore — walking in sand actually exercises your muscles more than on hard pavement. Even better if you have a place for hiking nearby. Pack a few healthy snacks or a picnic for a rest at the half-way point — distributing among all of your back packs, of course — and your kids will be eager to get there.
Being a parent is a full-time job. Your list of responsibilities and tasks seems to be never-ending and no matter how much you already do, it oftentimes feels like you’re not doing enough. That doesn’t mean you can afford to overlook your own health and wellness goals. Make physical activity a part of your kids’ daily routine and get healthier together with them. Just Keeping Moving is a great motto. It might require some dedication and effort at first, but the payoffs will be huge, fun — and ultimately, a loving thing for the entire family.
Cassie Brewer contributed this article to Spa Index Guide to Spas. Cassie is a professional makeup artist and wellness lifestyle enthusiast living in sunny Southern California.